Being an Uber driver myself, I am always looking at ways to increase my bottom line and make the most money for my time spent driving around. Here are some extra apps and/or ideas to increase your revenue while driving:
1) Lvl5 (Payver app)
This app records video of your trip. When done with your trip, you upload it via wifi to their servers and earn points. It’s as easy as that! Your phone will have to be mounted to either your dash or windshield in the middle of your car with it tilted to record a Landscape video (horizontal). While I have not tried it yet, I will be shortly as this seems like a no brainer!

2) Kerb - $3.00 /hr flat rate, up to $100 /week
While I don’t have much info on this one, I believe it to be the same concept as the Payver app, but with a flat rate payout, which is great. Say you’re a part time driver, like myself, who does around 15 hours per week, that is an extra $45 bucks! I’ll report back with an update when I know more. Here is what their website has to say:
Kerb is a technology company that uses StreetView images to help organizations make informed business decisions through advanced analytics. Kerb needs the best rideshare drivers to collect these high resolution images in our target markets while they also drive for their main rideshare employer.

3) Cargo – Snack dispenser
Cargo is a snack dispenser that sits on your center console with 2 usb charging ports available for your passengers to charge their devices through. The concept is simple enough for your passengers to understand, and the ordering process is very easy! All your customers have to do is type in the url and then your passcode, all of which is written on the box; to pay, they can use their paypal account, apple pay, or enter in their credit card info. Another cool feature of this is that once you start running out of items, they will automatically send you more, so you don’t have to go ahead and order your own. This is another one I haven’t tried out, but will be shortly and will update with my progress!

4) Pax – Tipping box – not yet released
When it comes to tipping, the Uber app is okay in some regards, but as most drivers are aware, riders rarely open their app after the ride is complete and rarely give a tip a few hours later. Until Uber delivers a better driver review / tipping system, I will still be waiting for Pax. While they had a kickstarter that was canceled, I believe that this is still a viable option and hope that it does hit the market eventually.

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